Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Brand Video

Increased relatability & Trust

Nothing helps your audience (read: potential customers) identify and relate to your business than a solid brand video. A video puts a face to a name and allows an audience to see the genuine nature of your business and offering. People like buying from people. If they have confidence in you that hugely increases their likelihood to buy from you.

Reach more customers through social

Video is one of the top shared pieces of content on social media.* If your video is relevant to your audience and resonates with them, they will share it with others who they think it will be useful for or to illicit a similar reaction. This gives your message the opportunity to engage more potential customers. Such organic targeting of individuals means your content will naturally reach the right people if it’s effective in its messaging.


  • 90% of web consumers say that a video helps them make a decision to buy a business’ product or service
  • 65% of executives who watch work-related videos visit the business’ website afterwards
  • 64% of people who visit a business’ website are likely to buy their product after watching a video


Video is a more passive experience than reading text, it’s much easier for the audience to become immersed in what you’re conveying to them. This results in not only more information being conveyed but an emotional quality that’s near impossible to match in the written word. “Videos are processed by the brain 60,000 times faster than text. Think about the heavy lifting your cognitive system has to do when reading an article vs. watching a video clip!” ~ Liraz Margalit Ph.D.*

What are you waiting for?
Not only does a solid brand video act as a means to distil your message, it is also a statement to all those potential customers out there about how you’re aligned with them and that you’re the solution they’ve been searching for.

See Demo Videos for insurance business Marketing